We Are
Living Links.

The first nationwide organization created to empower grandchildren of Holocaust survivors.

We Share the Lessons of the Holocaust to Shape the Future.

We, the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors (3Gs), are building 3G communities across the country.  We honor our grandparents’ legacy by sharing their stories and wisdom to inspire others to shape a better world by standing up to hatred, bigotry, and antisemitism. 

Our Nationwide Vision

With more than 1 million grandchildren of survivors in the United States, we are engaging 3Gs across the country, creating new opportunities for relationships, education, and advocacy.

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Gather and Learn

Living Links programming is designed to activate and develop the next generation of leaders. We are committed to preserving the history of the Holocaust and speaking out against issues of antisemitism, Holocaust distortion, and all forms of hate.

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Our Speakers Counter Hate

Our Speaker Training Program helps grandchildren of survivors tell their grandparents’ stories to audiences of all ages. Our 3G speakers are uniquely positioned to bear witness and lend a strong personal narrative to a story that is often described in numbers.

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A Visionary Partnership

The USC Shoah Foundation preserves and amplifies the voices of the past to build a future that remembers. The Visual History Archive (VHA) is home to more than 56,000 testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust. The Countering Antisemitism Through Testimony collection documents post-Holocaust antisemitism around the world.

The VHA, which is indexed, fully digitized, and searchable, is the largest video collection of Holocaust testimonies in the world. The USC Shoah Foundation engages scholars, researchers, policymakers, and educators in building conversations and fostering insights and practical solutions to confront antisemitism, strengthen democratic values, and remember the Holocaust.

The USC Shoah Foundation is proud to partner with Living Links to ensure the strength of the 3G community and the expansion of a network of descendants dedicated to sharing the lessons of the Holocaust.

Link Up With Us.

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updated on our programs and initiatives. Alternatively, you can email us at hello@wearelivinglinks.org