Who We Are

Empowered 3Gs Make a Difference

Living Links is a new organization for grandchildren (3Gs) of Holocaust survivors and all victims of Nazi persecution. 3Gs (and a growing number of 4Gs) have an important voice in countering hate and keeping the history of the Holocaust relevant in today’s world. 

Our proud partnership with the USC Shoah Foundation elevates our shared vision to build 3G communities across the country and expand our programming. The USC Shoah Foundation is home to the largest collection of Holocaust survivor testimony in the world and brings 30 years of Holocaust education and organizational expertise to our partnership.

Our Vision to Achieve

Inspire People to Stand Up to Hate

Our Speaker Training Course prepares you to tell your grandparent’s story in community settings, campuses, and classrooms, where your authentic and personal account helps listeners of all ages and backgrounds understand the ramifications of unchecked intolerance and indifference. Help us build a generation of upstanders.

3GNY Event

Join a Community

Over the last several years, 3G communities have formed in 12 cities in the United States, and, with the infrastructure and professional expertise help of the USC Shoah Foundation, we are committed to creating affiliates wherever there is interest. We are working to connect 3Gs nationwide and build enduring, supportive communities.

3G Miami Gala Event

Programs Bring Us Together

Our 3G affiliates across the country hold events online and in-person where people gather, learn, and find friendship. Excellent programming deepens our understanding of the Holocaust and inspires us to confront hate, antisemitism, and Holocaust distortion. Our partnership with the USC Shoah Foundation will allow us to develop meaningful programming on a national level. Check out our Events page for what’s coming up.

We’ll keep you up to date on the latest.

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