Tell Your Story

Share Your Unique Legacy

Our Speakers Counter Hate and Antisemitism

Central to the mission of Living Links, we empower grandchildren of Holocaust survivors to learn and share their family's Holocaust experiences with students and community groups to counter hate and antisemitism.

Our Course Builds Community

As you are guided through learning how to tell your grandparent’s story, you will meet others with similar backgrounds, connect with your own family history, and explore how the Holocaust has shaped your life, values, and perspectives. You will find yourself in a supportive, understanding environment where you can form lasting connections.

Our Renowned Speaker Training Program

The Speaker Training Program, created by 3GNY in 2010, is an educational course for you to learn how to share your family's Holocaust experiences with students and community groups. You will be provided with tools for storytelling and family research materials that include the vast USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive. Support is available throughout and after the course.

Course Outline

The course consists of four, 2-hour virtual sessions.

  • Week 1: Meet your fellow 3Gs. Discuss desired outcomes from the training and speaking engagements. Hear an example of a 3G presentation.

  • Week 2: Share your outline and receive peer and facilitator feedback. Discuss storytelling tools and style.

  • Week 3: Present a short section of your presentation and receive peer and instructor feedback.

  • Week 4: Present your full presentation and receive feedback. Discuss the story structure and your performance. Talk through next steps and how, when, and where you will tell your family’s story.

Expanding Access Nationally

Working with the USC Shoah Foundation’s acclaimed education team, we are expanding access to this renowned Speaker Training Program so that 3Gs nationwide can easily participate in our virtual class. We expect to roll out a national program in 2024.

A Free Resource for Educators, Organizations, and Communities

Our Speakers Build Empathy

Our 3G speakers are uniquely positioned to connect with listeners of all ages. We visit classrooms and communities, in-person and virtually, to tell our family stories. We lend a strong personal connection to a history often described in numbers. Our speakers complement educators' work.

Virtual speakers are available nationwide, and in-person speakers are available in Boston, the DC metro area, Los Angeles, Miami, New Jersey, New York, and Philadelphia.

To inquire about the availability of a 3G speaker for a virtual or in-person engagement, please fill out the Contact Us form and we will connect you to the nearest 3G Speaker’s bureau.

I absolutely loved this course. I was anxious going in, but was highly engaged from the first session. I held onto every sentence given by the facilitators - such wisdom! It made me hungry to learn more about storytelling technique and very motivated to keep working on and researching my grandmother's story. Thank you SO much - what a valuable experience!

-3GNY Speaker Training Participant 2022


We will contact you when courses open up.